Exhibition during Umeå Design Week and the opening of my brand new web shop. Plus some exciting photogravure material.
It's been a while now, and quite a lot has happened since my last newsletter. I wrote about being accepted as a new member at KKV Härnösand and everything I was looking forward to. Since then, I have also become a new member at Grafikmaskinen, an artist-run graphics workshop in Umeå. This is great news as I can now print my etchings/photogravures close to my home. Then, when I want to produce new engraving plates, work in an analog darkroom or work with large digital prints, all resources are available 3 hours south at KKV in Härnösand.
Just after Easter I got the opportunity to attend a course in photopolymer engraving at KKV Härnösand. Incredibly exciting, challenging and above all fun to learn a technique I have been interested in for so long.
Other things that have taken place during the spring and early summer is that I participated in a group exhibition during the design week (22/5 - 4/6) in Umeå. I showed digital prints and photogravures from my series PAVANE, HÄR/HERE and STRÖM.
Below is my wall space in the gallery.
Until next time!
All good,